bodily functions

美 [ˈbɑːdɪli ˈfʌŋkʃnz]英 [ˈbɒdɪli ˈfʌŋkʃnz]
  • n.人体生理功能;(尤指)人体排泄功能
  • bodily function的复数
bodily functionsbodily functions
  1. The child was not able to speak , walk properly or control bodily functions .


  2. The condition of the body or bodily functions .


  3. Experimental Research on the Impact of Cheerleading Sports Skills on Athletes ' Bodily Functions


  4. Free radicals have the ability to disrupt bodily functions .


  5. At the end , our bodily functions


  6. In terms of energy , digestion is one of the costliest bodily functions .


  7. ( physiology ) used of involuntary bodily functions .


  8. Playing on the use of cardinal numbers as euphemisms for bodily functions .


  9. Penny : How am I supposed to plan my bodily functions ? -


  10. Competition experience , training and reasonable competition enforcement to make their own bodily functions and psychological conditions have been fully exploited .


  11. But his bodily functions are weakening .


  12. Plan your ablutions and bodily functions accordingly . -


  13. Importantly , the ANS adjusts and modifies the internal bodily functions in response to stress .


  14. I felt as if my energy was being used to promote proper bodily functions , instead of being suppressed by my digestive system .


  15. Your bodily functions such as heart beating , breathing , thinking , digesting , etc * all require energy .


  16. What that means is that every single aspect of your human existence outside of your basic bodily functions is in some way touched by media .


  17. Depressive disorders are characterized not only by negative thoughts , mood , and behaviors , but also by specific changes in bodily functions .


  18. Through generations , stress has effectively enhanced human survival because of its specific traits that jog your wakefulness and develop bodily functions .


  19. Provine also points out that yawning - andperhaps other bodily functions , like sneezing - shares some strange parallelswith sex .


  20. Let me start with the elder Miss Harford , who this week demonstrated that she is well capable of controlling her bodily functions .


  21. But claims that also described the role of the nutrient or dietary ingredient in relation to health and to bodily functions were found to be even more helpful .


  22. According to a study , couples who talk about bodily functions , have access to each other 's passwords and shower together are the most committed .


  23. If this energy is left unused , the adrenalin will continue coursing through your veins , diverting energy away from vital bodily functions .


  24. As the victim continues to lose control of his bodily functions , he will involuntarily vomit , defecate and urinate .


  25. A major factor in the age-related decline of bodily functions is the accumulation of " oxidative damage " in the body 's proteins , fats , and DNA .


  26. The thyroid is a gland situated in the neck that is responsible for producing a number of different hormones that control a range of different bodily functions including metabolism and temperature regulation .


  27. A major goal of Tai Chi Chuan for health maintenance is to enable practitioners to reduce tension and stress through increasing circulation of blood and breath to improve bodily functions .


  28. The mice in the study lacked leptin and receptors in the brain for leptin , a hormone that is involved with many bodily functions , including regulating appetite and metabolism .


  29. In number 1 above I mentioned that our bodies adapt around a 24-hour circadian rhythm . This works for sleep , eating , exercise , and many other bodily functions .


  30. These can include unsavoury bodily functions such as breaking windin front of an other half , nose picking or letting armpits go unshaven .
